Sphere of Influence (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1
Have a Plan for Contact
Now that you have sent out your initial hello, establish a way to organize how often you want to contact your potential clients. Some people in your sphere will require more frequent contact than others, but always be sure to follow up with everyone. Don’t leave too much time between interactions.
Don’t Forget About Social Media
As a real estate agent, you should be checking your social media accounts on a regular basis. No matter how many followers you have, there is always an opportunity to getting your marketing pieces out to those who aren’t getting them already. Just because you’re connected with them electronically on a daily basis doesn’t mean they are receiving your regular emails, which they should be.
Identify Your Biggest Fans
These are the people who will immediately tell their friends to call you for their real estate needs. Always make sure to know who these golden fans are, and take care of them!
Network, Network, Network!
Networking events are more than walking around to shake hands and collect business cards. Spend time visiting with people that you know would be beneficial to your business and referrals and get to know them. Talk with them, not at them, about your real estate business and goals to establish a connection. After the event, send them a follow-up note letting them know you’d like to add them to your sphere of influence if you have made an authentic connection with them.
Everyone Has Potential To Be In Your Sphere
Every single company or person you write a check to should be seen as someone with potential to be added to your sphere of influence. You are helping their business succeed through your payment, so why shouldn’t they be able to help yours? Let your business affiliates know that you are a real estate agent and they could become some of your best referral sources.
If your goal is to be a successful real estate agent, look to REDX. We are the leaders in Real Estate for Expireds, FSBOs, and Pre-Foreclosure leads with innovative data verification and unmatched data quality so you can make more money, work more productively, and help more homeowners list and sell in less time. Call us for the best real estate solutions today.

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