8 Points of a Powerful Pre-Prospecting Routine

One important habit shared by every successful prospecting agent is a powerful pre-prospecting routine. Following a consistent routine before you get on the phones will help you build and maintain positive momentum during (and after) your call sessions. Because as a real estate professional, you can’t always control what happens during your day. What you can control are healthy habits that promote a positive mindset starting the second you get out of bed. Keep reading to discover eight points to a powerful pre-prospecting routine from REDX power agent, Kent Brown.  

8 Points of a Powerful Pre-Prospecting Routine

1. Your Day Starts the Night Before
2. Exercise
3. Eat Something Healthy
4. Prepare your Numbers
5. Review your Goals & Business Plan
6. Roleplay
7. Recite your Affirmations
8. Visualize the Entire Process

1. Your Day Starts the Night Before

A few minutes of prospecting prep before bedtime can streamline success for tomorrow. Set out your clothes, prepare your call lists, and review tomorrow’s schedule so you can get up and GO without any unnecessary distractions. 

Most important of all… get a good night’s sleep! Avoid TVs, computers, and phone screens for at least two hours before you go to bed, and aim for about eight hours of sleep every night. Better sleep will increase prospecting productivity and dramatically reduce stress.  

Your Day starts the night before: streamline tomorrows morning routine by preparing the night before. Review schedule, prepare your call list, prepare your outfit, and get a good night sleep

2. Exercise

Wake up your body to wake up your brain! A daily morning exercise routine will give you more energy and focus for a productive day of prospecting. Hit the gym, go on a morning jog, or do some simple at-home yoga. It doesn’t have to be intense – just get moving! Aim for an hour, but know that almost any amount of exercise will help clear your head, improve your mindset, and alleviate anxiety.

Exercise: A morning exercise routine will give you more energy and focus for a productive day of prospecting. Hit the gym, jog, or go for a walk.

3. Eat Something Healthy

No one wants to talk (or list) with a “hangry” agent. Fuel your mind by fueling your body with a healthy, well-balanced breakfast. Something quick and easy like whole grain avocado toast or a few scrambled eggs will fortify your mind for a focused prospecting session. And if you’re not a “breakfast person,” that’s alright! Just make sure you’re prepared with a good selection of healthy snacks to munch on in case you get hungry during your calls. 

Eat Something Healthy: No one wants to talk (or list) with a hangry agent! Fuel your mind by feuling your body with healthy meals and snacks.

4. Review Your Business Plan & Visualize Your Goals

Every day before you get on the phone, review your weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. Make sure they’re realistic and still aligned with your business plan. Make any necessary adjustments, and most importantly… always remember your “WHY.”

One of the best ways to do this is with a vision board. Fill your board with images and quotes that remind you of your goals and what you’re working toward. Keeping these things in mind while you prospect will keep you motivated to push through your toughest calls. 

Review Your Goals & Business Plan: Before you get on the phone, review your weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. Make sure they are still aligned with your business plan and make any necessary adjustments.

5. Prepare Your Numbers

Every successful prospecting agent knows exactly how many daily dials, contacts, and appointments they need to reach their goals. If you’re new to prospecting or aren’t sure where to start, commit to calling for at least 90 days (3-4 hours per day) so you can set a realistic baseline. Not only will this help you set attainable daily call goals, but it will help you get a better grasp on the reality of real estate prospecting. 

Power prospector Kent Brown doesn’t stop prospecting for the day until he’s reached at least 25 contacts and one listing appointment. When Kent first started prospecting, he had to call for at least four hours to reach his daily goals. Now, after two solid years of consistent prospecting, it only takes him a couple of hours to reach (or exceed) his daily numbers. 

Inforgraphic saying "Prepare Your Numbers: Know how many dials, contacts, and appointments you need to acheive your goals. "

6. Roleplay

After you review your goals and prepare your numbers, make sure you set aside 30-60 minutes every morning to roleplay your calls. Daily roleplay practice is the best way to internalize your scripts, practice tough objections, and get constructive feedback from other agents. You can find good roleplay partners through your team or brokerage, in online real estate groups, or if you’re a REDX customer, you can call (801) 418-9480 between 12-4pm MT, Monday through Friday to roleplay with someone on our REDX support team.

No matter who you practice with, make sure you roleplay every day  as part of your pre-prospecting routine. It will help you warm up and get those first few awkward conversations out of the way before you start calling REDX leads. 

The Value of Roleplay Infographic: REMEMBER: Even the best prospectors regualrly roleplay. Spend 30-60 minutes roleplaying every day. Internalize your scripts and practice tough

7. Recite Your Affirmations

After you’re done roleplaying, cleanse your mind and give yourself an extra boost of confidence by reciting positive, personal affirmations. It might feel cheesy, but reciting affirmations before you prospect is an excellent way to solidify your mindset and alleviate anxiety toward making calls. 

Make sure your affirmations are directly correlated with your prospecting goals and habits. General affirmations aren’t bad, but they won’t be quite as effective at getting you into a prospecting-centric mindset. Over time and with enough repetition, daily affirmations will become second nature and will strengthen your prospecting attitude. 

Recite your affirmations graphic: I am a powerful agent, I prospect with passion, I am a winner.

8. Visualization

The last point on our pre-prospecting routine checklist is to visualize the process of getting a listing. This doesn’t mean visualizing your commission check or what it will buy. It means focusing on the details of each step it will take to get there. 

Right before you start prospecting, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and start by visualizing a successful cold call where you nail your script and handle every objection. Visualize setting a listing appointment and delivering a successful listing presentation. Visualize the process of listing a property or helping a buyer find their dream home. And finally, visualize signing a contract and closing the deal. 

Visualization inforgraphic with a person visualizing the process of getting a listing.

Invest in Your Success

Studies show that it takes an average of 66 days to fully adopt a new habit or routine. So if you’re going to adopt a pre-prospecting routine like this one, we recommend making a three-month commitment to solidify this routine as part of your daily schedule. Set a new goal today: commit to this eight point process before every prospecting session and drastically improve your mindset, conversations, and client satisfaction.  

And more a deeper dive into the powerful pre-prospecting routine in this blog, check out this podcast with REDX Power Prospector, Kent Brown:

About REDX

REDX is an all-in-one lead data and prospecting platform that helps agents connect with qualified buyers and sellers. The platform includes seller leads, a dialer with up to three lines, social media tools, and a lead management system that simplifies first contact and follow up.

Click here to watch a demo, or call (800) 731-7339 ext. 1 to learn more about Expireds, FSBOs, GeoLeads, FRBOs, Pre Foreclosures, our Power Dialer and Social Media Tools for paid ads and content creation.

REDX maintains the position that all agents should be compliant with state and federal telecom laws – learn more here.

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