7 Live Cold Call Scripts For Listing Limitless Leads

Have you ever wondered what cold calls with top-performing agents sound like and how you can mirror their moves to make more money? This article is packed with real, LIVE calls from seven of the top cold-callers in the industry. Impress your prospects and improve your income as these live prospectors show you how to face objections, leverage your scripts, and perfect your processes to get more listing appointments, LIVE.

7 Live Prospecting Sessions For Listing Limitless Leads

1. Confident Circle Prospecting with Ricky Carruth
2. Gain A Game Plan with Greg McDaniel
3. The REDX Podcast
4. The Commission Cash Cure with Chastin J. Miles
5. Simple Texting Scripts with Colton Lindsay
6. Listing Luxury Leads with Loida Velasquez
7. Listing Treasure Trove with Teddy Smith

1. Confident Circle Prospecting with Ricky Carruth

After making over a million dollars last year as a single agent, Ricky is proof that circle prospecting opens the door to endless opportunities through genuine relationships. Staying true to his “Zero to Diamond” mindset, Ricky Carruth’s live prospecting demonstrates how lasting, quality relationships are key to success in real estate. With his helpful nature and friendly charm, he makes new phone friends in seconds (even after rough rejections).

So watch Ricky jump from conversation to conversation to show you how to prospect with more confidence and charisma (all while maintaining his energy and enthusiasm!)

Ricky’s Script:
“Hey this is Ricky with RE/MAX at Orange Beach, how are you?”
“Good. Hey, I don’t want to take up too much of your time, there were a bunch of units that sold in your area and there’s nothing on the market. Is there anything in the world I can do for you?”

2. Gain A Game Plan with Greg McDaniel


Greg McDaniel has 20 years of real estate experience and 450,000+ cold calls under his belt, which means he’s seen (and overcome) it all. Greg gets on the phone nearly every day to prospect LIVE so you can see how he consistently gets listing appointments.

Check out this 60 minute video where Greg calls FRBOs (For-Rent-By-Owners) LIVE. Greg’s casual, conversational style will help you overcome your phone fear and gain more confidence to get through tough calls and onto more listings. For more cold call sessions, head over to his Facebook page to tune in to his weekly prospecting sessions. 

Greg’s Script:
“Hi! My name is Greg McDaniel and I’m a real estate agent here in the area. I’m doing some calls tonight. Are you the owner of 123 Main St. by chance?”
“It looks like you are putting it up for rent. Did you get that property rented?”
“Have you ever thought of hiring a real estate agent to get more visibility on the property and be able to vet the proper tenant for the home?
“Are you looking to purchase any more investment properties?”

3. The REDX Podcast

The REDX Podcast has real estate agents of all styles and skill levels. That means there are a variety of approaches, scripts, and objections for you to choose from. Come watch as REDX interviews some of the best prospecting real estate agents as they demonstrate how to approach and navigate tricky phone calls from every lead type to increase your income. 

Join our live shows every Thursday at 12:30pm PT – 3:30pm ET  and ask the featured agent questions about their prospecting for tips and tricks to try in your market. You might learn something new to help your business.

And if you think you’ve got what it takes to go LIVE with REDX, head on over to REDX’s instagram @the_redx_ and send a video explaining why REDX should bring you on the show!

4. Commission Cure with Chastin J. Miles

Join Chastin J. Miles as he dives into the prospecting pool to get appointments with FSBO (For-Sale-By-Owner) leads. Thousands of agents tune in to Chastin’s channel for motivation, training, and education on the best techniques to be a successful prospector in real estate.

As you watch, (without spoiling the ending), you’ll see which questions Chastin asks to get more information while positioning himself as the best agent to help get the home sold. In just 12 minutes, discover some of the best questions to ask a FSBO and how to overcome the common objection of, “I don’t want to pay for an agent.”

Chastin’s Script:
“Hey! This is Chastin Miles. How are you?”
“I was just give you a call about your home. Is it still for sale?”
“Could you give me a little more information about it?”
“I was giving you a call, because I noticed you were a FSBO and I wanted to see if I could help you out. How long has your home been on the market?”
“What do you think the issue is that’s keeping it from selling?”
“Have you had a lot of showings?”
“Gotcha, well I won’t take up too much of your time. Like I said, I am a real estate agent and I just want to help you. When is a good time to stop by the property?”

5. Simple Texting Scripts with Colton Lindsay


Colton Lindsay has sold more than 120 homes in the last two years, and he’s more than willing to share his expertise with other agents! In this 42 minute podcast, Colton shares his favorite texting scripts to engage potential buyers and sellers without being pushy. With Colton’s text script, you’ll discover how light, organic text messages can open the door to productive phone calls and Zoom meetings. 

Just remember: NEVER “COLD” TEXT WITHOUT PERMISSION OR CONSENT! Only text people who are already on your follow up lists – never out of the blue. Use the texting script below to engage potential buyers/sellers for future conversations.

Colton’s SMS Script:
“Hey… John?”
(This creates curiosity!)
“My records indicate that you might be thinking of buying (or selling) a house. Is that true? Or is my info wrong?”

(Keep it organic and not so serious. When they respond, go for a phone call. If they don’t want to call, schedule a calendar Zoom meeting)
“Schedule a phone call here (insert a calendar link) and we’ll go over some of your options.”

6. Listing Luxury Leads with Loida Velasquez

Ever wondered what it’s like to set an appointment with a luxury listing valued at over $1 million?  Loida Velasquez knows what it’s like and shares how to do it live! As a successful real estate agent with thousands of followers, watch this video and you’ll see why. Loida shows how an effective marketing strategy can make you millions!

Check out Loida’s YouTube Channel to find more prospecting sessions (including some in Spanish) and take her passion for real estate to your phone calls. Whether you’re looking for Expired, FSBO, or luxury listings like this one, you’ll see why Loida finds so much success in what she does and how you can implement her “luxury” tactics into your own prospecting sessions.

Loida’s Script:
“Hello! Is this Rick?”
“Hi Rick! My name is Loida and I’m a local real estate agent. I’m calling about your home on 123 Main St. I saw that it popped off the market as an expired. So I just wanted to know when you will be interviewing agents for the job of actually getting it sold.”
“Did you get any showings on your property?”
“So if the home sold in less than 30 days, that would not be a problem for you, right?”

7. Victorious Vacant Listings with Teddy Smith


With nearly 1 million views on his YouTube channel, Teddy Smith’s live prospecting sessions are filled with valuable tips about real estate sales, investing, technology, marketing, and more! In this 14 minute video, Teddy shows you four appointments he generated in just one prospecting session while making 100 calls to vacant rental properties.

His script is simple, to the point, and he doesn’t waste any time getting right to his bottom line. As you watch, you’ll see how he asks direct questions to get direct answers, and then positions himself as the most qualified agent to get the job done. If you’re an agent who wants a more direct script, or you just want to see how you can make more money with vacant rental properties, this prospecting session is for you.

Teddy’s Script:
“Hello Sandy?”
“Hi Sandy, this is Teddy Smith. I’m with Coldwell Banker here in Wilmington and I was calling about your property on 123 Main St. Have you ever thought about putting it on the market before?”
“If you were to put it on the market, do you think you would do so in the next year?”
“Great! When is the best time for me to follow up with you?”

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Now that you’ve watched great prospectors get on the phone, don’t go back to phone fear, frustration and complacency.

A lot of agents let “phone fear” hold them back from getting more listings, but after seeing these agents succeed LIVE, you’ll know it’s possible. You just have to take the next step… and take action!

Take these new scripts, tricks, and objection handlers to your next prospecting session and let your dials lead to more listings.

About REDX

REDX offers real estate professionals a complete all-in-one prospecting platform for generating listing appointments. The platform includes seller leads, a dialer with up to three lines, and a lead management tool for simple follow-up. REDX maintains the position that all agents should be compliant with state and federal telecom laws – learn more here. Call (800) 731-7339 option 1 to learn more about prospecting FSBOs, Expireds, FRBOs, Pre Foreclosures, GeoLeads, and our Power Dialer – or visit www.redx.com

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