How to Make More Money in Real Estate by Restructuring Your Day

As a Realtor, how do you organize your day? Do you have a strict schedule or do you just sort of see what comes your way and then wing it?  Here’s a little secret: the real estate agents who make $250K or more per year stick to a strict schedule. This schedule is one of the keys to their success.

Develop Discipline

Believe it or not, realtors who exercise regularly make more money than those who don’t. In fact, 74% of high earning realtors go to the gym at least 3 times a week. What does this have to do with my real estate business, you ask?
In his bestselling book, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg explains the way one small but important habit can change everything. “Typically, people who exercise start eating better and becoming more productive at work. They smoke less and show more patience with colleagues and family. They use their credit cards less frequently and say they feel less stressed. Exercise is a keystone habit that triggers widespread change.”
By infusing discipline in one area of their lives, these real estate super stars are making it easier to create that same discipline in other areas. Make a commitment to develop a schedule that incorporates habits that will help you focus on what is important to your success

Increase Your Prospecting Time

In real estate, your leads are the lifeblood of your business. In order to make these leads work for you, you have to put in the time to foster them. Realtors who make the most money also spend the most time in lead prospecting each day.
The $250K earners prospect (on average) 4.6 days per week, while the $70K earners only spend around 3.5 days a week prospecting leads. Furthermore, the highest earning realtors spend 90 minutes or more on each prospecting session, while the lower earners only spend 45 minutes to an hour each time
This means that agents who make less than $70K are prospecting just under half the time, but are earning only one third of the income. A jump in only 30 to 45 minutes per session generates a tremendous amount of additional income.

Once Isn’t Enough

In addition to more days and more time spent on leads, $250K earners don’t give up when their leads don’t answer the phone or the door. Nearly one hundred percent of these agents make evening calls to those leads who didn’t answer their phone during the day with an occasional weekend call to those who didn’t answer at all during the week. They know that each prospect they contact is a potential sale, and lost opportunities mean lost income.
If you are struggling to make your real estate business as successful as you know it could be, consider infusing more discipline and structure into your day. These habits will continue to build on each other and you will see results as you increase the number of appointments you make each week and grow your bottom line.

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