Excelling with Expireds & FSBOs

By Cole Oberndorfer
Many of us sit around and wonder what separates us from that agent that is pulling down 10 million a year. What makes them so successful with every transaction that we just don’t seem to have? Unfortunately, for that 10 million agent, almost nothing separates the two of us. This is obviously good news for you and I. Often in our life we’ve had the cliched moniker thrown at us to “keep it simple, stupid”. And making the big money is no different in this case. Here are a just a few tried, tested, and true methods to rake in the big commissions that we all so desperately want.
“Just Do It”
Nike had it more right than any of us ever really would care to admit. This is the big key to being the most successful real estate agent in your market. Get out and do the work. In many cases, especially when working Expireds and FSBOs, picking up the phone and dialing is where the rubber meets the road. No one really enjoys dialing through number after number of leads or going out and knocking the doors to get in front of the people, but this is ultimately what makes you the money. We all know that in this business there is no substitute for hard work; frankly, there isn’t any substitute for work, period. So do it. Pick up the phone with the simple thought in mind that you are calling to make their lives better –don’t forget that you are – and then dial, dial, dial.

Use your tools!
In this day and age we know all too well that technology is dominating the marketplace. Many of us have our time-tested methods that have been working since Jerusalem, but its time to get on board with the new age. Don’t give up on those things that work; but, make sure that you’re expanding your repertoire to include the new methods that are going to increase your flow. Just a few things that now fall in to this category:
Data Services
REDX is designed to help gather the essential information for your Expireds and FSBOs. REDX offers a number of ways that you can receive this information to help benefit you in your prospecting. This is the single greatest way to get your information fast, and effectively, so you can immediately start prospecting on these leads. If you arent utilizing a data service of some sort to ultimately save you valuable time, and money, then it’s time to climb on board and start using one. And there’s no better choice than REDX Expired and FSBO lead services.
Social Media
If you aren’t working your leads by using social media, including your Expireds and FSBOs then you’re wasting a valuable tool. Set up your Facebook page, set up your Twitter account and learn the trends. If you aren’t posting about how successful you are in your business and constantly trying to drum up more leads for yourself, then you’re in the wrong field my friend. You’ll be blown away by the number of people who will trust you with their homes, just by posting how successful you are through social media.
This is another tool which is invaluable to your work. A tool that can be an incredibly expensive pain, but ultimately there is no substitute to having your name plastered all over the internet. There are a slew of affordable options out there to create and customize a website that looks good, and presents you in the best possible light. This is critical to any agent out there. There are very few, if any, potential clients out there that don’t use the internet. If you’re not taking advantage of the internet to help drive your business for Expireds and FSBOs, again, you’re in the wrong business.
The secret methods are revealed. Get out there and do the work. Nothing will ever be able to substitute working hard AND working smart. Both go hand in hand with some of the tips suggested to make you that 10 million agent that we all so desperately want to be.

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