3 Reasons to Work During the Holidays

Many agents got into real estate to be their own bosses, set their own schedules, and work on their own terms. While these reasons are good, with them comes the temptation of kicking back, taking it easy, and not pushing through the slow times that supposedly accompany the holidays. Here are three reasons that the holidays are a great time to stay busy.

1. Motivated Customers
Sure, the market slows down in December. However, if someone is trying to buy or sell during this time of year, you know they’re serious about it. The flippant clients that are just testing the waters and shopping for options are not common in December. In most cases, people looking to buy or sell around the holidays are doing so because they have to, usually due to job changes or transfers. This puts some customers in desperate positions that allow you as the real estate agent come to their rescue.

2. Lazy Competition
Real estate agents are only human. When facing the choice between sipping some eggnog by the fire and prospecting more leads, many agents cave and go with the first. But with temptation comes opportunity. As most agents start hanging up their real estate cap for the year, competition gets softer and the potential business is divvied among a smaller pool of agents. If you keep working, that means more motivated customers for you.

3. New Year Means New Expireds
January 1st is the biggest expired day of the year. More leads will be hitting your MLS than you can probably get to. If there is one day you should commit yourself to calling expireds, this would be it. While your colleagues are sleeping in after New Years Eve, you should be pounding the phones picking up the deals they couldn’t make happen.

Some agents might shy away, saying they’d rather not contact people on a holiday. To them I’d say that they are likely not going to get an easier shot at them. Most sellers have the day off and will probably will be at home and close to a phone. Families will typically be together, meaning that you can probably get both decision makers on the phone at the same time. Sure you might get some grumpy people who are getting over their New Year’s Eve hangover, but on January 1st, the conditions for prospecting expireds will be as perfect as they get.
If your goal is to be a successful real estate agent, look to REDX. We lead the industry with innovative data verification, lead generation products, unmatched data quality and original real estate solutions so you as an agent can make more money, work more productively, and help more homeowners in less time. Call us 800-731-7339 for the best in real estate solutions and increased listings today.
About Jefferson Snow
Jefferson Snow is a member of the Sales team at REDX and loves to help real estate agents find success with REDX. He lives in Utah with his amazing wife Callie.

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